Is the esports community prepared to go back to in-person competitions?

Is the esports community prepared to go back to in-person competitions? – Esports – iGB

A YouGov research study released in May uncovered some interesting discoveries.

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Is the esports community prepared to go back to in-person competitions?
By: Josh Walfish

As the globe gradually returns to its pre-pandemic state, the esports industry is also moving in the same direction. A poll released in late May by YouGov found that about one-third of esports enthusiasts are willing to go back to in-person competitions in the near future. This poll was released after the Call of Duty League announced that all of its teams would begin competing in the same location for the Major IV tournament last month.

The poll asked participants a straightforward question about their comfort level with returning to live sporting events, offering a sliding scale with six options. About 35% of respondents answered that they would be very comfortable or fairly comfortable, while a similar proportion answered that they were fairly uncomfortable or very uncomfortable. Approximately 29% of respondents answered that they didn’t know or that the question didn’t apply to them.

Examining the data
The most striking aspect of the YouGov data is how similar the feelings of esports enthusiasts are to those of traditional sports fans. Overall, the two fan groups are equal in the number of respondents who feel comfortable returning to live events, although sports fans are more skeptical than esports fans.

However, event organizers should exercise prudence when welcoming the public to live events.

Although 40% of conventional sports enthusiasts expressed apprehension about attending live events, the return of fans to arenas and stadiums across the United States has consistently witnessed packed crowds. It’s logical to anticipate a similar reaction when esports events resume in front of spectators in the upcoming months, as these fans are less concerned about returning to live events.

The clear takeaway from the data is that esports fans are eager for the return of competition to venues worldwide. Even in the YouGov study, an equal number of participants were enthusiastic about returning as were hesitant, but only a small number are needed to fill the seats. We’ve observed this phenomenon in traditional sports, both with and without restrictions during the pandemic, and it’s logical to expect the same trend in the esports realm.

The esports fanbase is more fervent in many ways, and the data reaffirms this. Only 14% of respondents who identified as esports fans were uninterested in attending any live events, while 15% were reluctant. This 15% is nearly double the percentage of traditional sports fans who were uncertain about returning, indicating that these fans carefully considered their decision.

Nevertheless, Ben Paro, the Sales Director at YouGov, provided the most sensible guidance to esports companies, remaining hopeful about the return of in-person events after examining data. “I don’t believe brands returning to the stadium necessarily gives them a head start, but I wouldn’t recommend brands to exclude live sponsorship in their plans for the latter half of 2021 or 2022,” Paro stated.

Certainly, there’s no need to hurry to be the first to reopen the stadium, as there’s no special benefit for the initial games and leagues to welcome fans back. The data clearly indicates that people are interested, the key is to ensure that the policies for bringing fans back are practical and fair. Needless to say, following local health rules is essential, being overly careful at the start won’t harm the brand.

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